
Ghosts From Your Past Following You? Find Hope and Healing Through Trauma Therapy

A few weeks ago, as I was finishing up an EMDR session with a client, she grabbed my hand and whispered,

“I’m sorry you have to share this with me.”

We had just concluded a tough session filled with the sordid details of her past traumatic experiences.

We often try to push these details away, hoping they will never return.

The problem is, they always do, one way or another.

A few days later, on a triple date with dear friends, someone mentioned how challenging my work must be.

They said they could never sit there in the midst of it while someone works on healing from immense pain, fear, and angst.

Shortly after that comment, we saw a suspenseful and frightening movie.

One of my friends, an old roommate and colleague, knew how much I enjoyed scary movies in the past. (I will clarify that scary and suspenseful are very different from evil, sad, or unfinished in my book).

Table of Contents

Traumatic Experiences
Watched a frightening movie and that’s when I realized therapy is my calling.

During the movie, I realized that therapy is my calling. 

My friend joked about how I don’t get scared easily. 

She knows me well enough to know I’ve had one nightmare in my life, patterned after a Twilight Zone episode I’d seen earlier in the day when I was eight years old.

While I have had unsettling dreams in the past, even one recently where I was mauled by a bear, my response is almost always more of annoyance, rather than anxiety or fear.

Even with the bear, I kept thinking, “I don’t have time for this; I have somewhere I need to be.”

Trauma Therapy: My Calling

It can be challenging to watch, to listen to others as they struggle, as flashes from their traumatic past pop up and then sometimes almost immediately disappear.

I wouldn’t say I like knowing my clients are hurting, but I can be calm knowing that this process, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), will help them heal.

I’ve seen it so many times now that I can confidently know there is a way to help them, to ease their angst.

This is what allows me to sit with them.

It also allows me to remember what they brought up in the past.

They are safe now, and it is my job to do all I can to help them recognize and perceive the difference between now and then.

It can be challenging because I do care.

I do not enjoy watching them hurt; however, I know there is something we can do about it.

Hope is a fantastic thing!


Are Ghosts From Your Past Following You?

If you have ghosts from your past that follow you—through nightmares, triggers, or other symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety—know that these are not normal, and you should not accept them as such.

At the very least, there are ways to reduce your symptoms, get back to normal, or find out what normal is for some.

Love yourself enough to find a guide who can take you there.

You deserve to be free, happy, and to feel constant hope.

At least, that’s how I think.

I remember when other ghosts who didn’t show up on TV followed me, but now I live in hope and happiness.

You can do the same. You are worth it.

The Healing Power of EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy is a powerful tool in the fight against the haunting effects of past traumatic experiences.

It works by helping the brain reprocess traumatic memories, allowing individuals to integrate these experiences without the accompanying distress.

During EMDR sessions, clients focus on specific memories while simultaneously experiencing bilateral stimulation (typically through eye movements, taps, or sounds).

This process helps to reduce the emotional charge associated with the memories and facilitates the brain’s natural healing processes.

Many people find relief from symptoms of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), anxiety, and depression through EMDR. 

It’s not just about reducing symptoms; it’s about reclaiming a sense of normalcy, finding peace, and building a hope-filled future.

Finding the Right Therapist

Finding a therapist who understands the complexities of trauma is crucial.

It would help if you had someone who can guide you through the process with compassion and expertise.

Look for a therapist who is trained in EMDR and has experience working with trauma survivors.

In therapy, you should feel safe and supported.

Your therapist should be someone who listens without judgment, validates your experiences, and helps you navigate the healing journey.

Steps Toward Healing

Healing from past traumatic experiences is a journey, and it starts with taking the first step. Here are some steps you can take toward healing:

1. Acknowledge Your Pain: Recognize that your traumatic experiences are valid and that your feelings are real.

2. Seek Professional Help: Find a qualified therapist specializing in trauma therapy and EMDR.

3. Build a Support System: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who can provide encouragement and understanding.

4. Practice Self-Care: Engage in activities that promote well-being, such as exercise, mindfulness, and hobbies you enjoy.

5. Be Patient with Yourself: Healing takes time. Allow yourself to go through the process at your own pace.

Conclusion: Embrace Hope and Happiness

Living with the ghosts of past traumatic experiences can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to define your life.

Through therapy, particularly EMDR, you can find relief, healing, and a renewed sense of hope.

Remember, you are not alone.

Many have walked this path before you and have emerged stronger, happier, and more at peace.

You deserve the same.

Reach out, take that first step, and embrace the possibility of a future free from the shadows of your past.

If you are struggling with the ghosts from your past, consider reaching out for help.

EMDR therapy might be the key to unlocking a brighter, more hopeful future.

You are worth the effort, and your happiness is within reach.

For more information on EMDR therapy and how it can help you, contact us at 801.901.0279.

Let us help you find the hope and happiness you deserve.

Need more then weekly support, join our Intensive Outpatient Program.

EMDR Therapy • 801.901.0279

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Lets face it, who likes to talk about their crap with other people? 

If you’re like most clients, you’re used to being judged despite hearing so many people talk about non judgment and when you do open up, it seems like the more you share, the less likely you are to get compassion. 

We’ve worked our butts off to create a clinic where the unfiltered, real you, can show up and heal, so dammit give therapy a chance

We love the unfiltered real you, let’s heal together. – Utah Family Therapy Team