
LGBTQ+ Counseling with Love and Compassion

What do you do when you just found out that your child is Gay or is experiencing Same-Sex Attraction (SSA)?

Love them!

Utah Family Therapy, located in American Fork serving all of Utah County, specializes in LGBTQ+ Counseling and working with Same-Sex Attraction (SSA) clients and their families.

Call us to speak with a therapist: 801-901-0279.

Table of Contents

You want your child to communicate, be open, and honest. LGBTQ+ teens and young adults are often scared and confused, withdrawing deep inside to cope and many are living in deep pain trying to fit in. 

Processing these emotions can seem daunting and impossible.

Our mission is to provide counseling to help families and their LGBTQ children in Utah County connect and communicate; working through an emotional injury, unhealthy coping mechanisms/addictions, or disconnection that have come from a result of trying to cope in the dark.

Teen Iop

LGBTQ+ Counseling is critical because ...

  • Nearly 6 times as likely to have high levels of depression;
  • More than 8 times as likely to have attempted suicide
  • More than 3 times as likely to use illegal drugs and
  • More than 3 times as likely to engage in unprotected sexual behaviors

Your help and love can literally be a matter of life or death. 

Utah Family Therapy in American Fork, UT is dedicated to providing LGBTQ Counseling so you can connect and your family can begin to heal.

We are here to help.

This is what our LGBTQ+ clients and their parents are saying:

“Thank you for all you’ve done to help our daughter and family. I felt peace after our meeting. I know this will continue to be difficult at times, but we are trying to learn to just love her first! I loved this message. It helps to know that others with our same beliefs have been through these difficult experiences, and have been able to have loving relationships with their gay children. It will continue to be a journey for us but with the help of the Savior I believe it will be possible. Thank you again.”
Mother of a Client
“The last thing I wanted to do was talk about the fact I was attracted to men. I didn’t know how to even put it in words. Was I gay? Was I confused? Why didn’t God just fix me? I wanted it to all just go away; I didn’t want to deal with the discrimination I had seen that being gay entails, let alone the social and cultural implications. I definitely was scared and even the thought of talking about it with anyone, I would push away. Considering telling my parents was terrifying. My internal confusion and withdrawal led to addictive behaviors that would give me moments of feeling numb from it all. That only made things worse. I moved away and my addiction got worse and when the thoughts of killing myself became more and more real, I knew I needed help. I came out to a few people but that led to mixed emotions and confusion from everyone’s opinions. I agreed to see a therapist and was led to Utah Family Therapy. My therapist helped me process the addiction I used to cope and never judged me. This was the first time I felt truly comfortable talking about being gay; that this part of me wasn’t broken or needed to be fixed. That I could define my life and not have society, discrimination, or judgments define me. I wasn’t forced to change (my biggest fear of therapy), or choose, and knew I could confidentially discuss literally everything. I got sober from my addictions and developed self-confidence as a homosexual man. I was able to talk about being gay with my parents and they joined me in various therapy sessions. Being able to lead a successful, honest, and happy life has become a reality. I can’t put into words how strongly I encourage seeking Utah Family Therapy as a resource.”
Male Young Adult Client

Our methods are based on love first, deep empathetic processing, and healing.

Lgbt Counseling Teens


Teens who are experiencing LGBT feelings, are confused, scared and don’t know what to do.

You do not have to do this alone and having experienced therapeutic help is VITAL to the process. Here is why:

  • 80% of all LGBT youth and young adults have experienced verbal harassment.
  • 60% feel unsafe.
  • 40% have been physically harassed.
  • 20% have been physically assaulted.

Learning to emotionally navigate the stormy waters of societal rejection and discrimination is a task that alone is daunting.

And if not properly processed has lifelong consequences physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

Utah Family Therapy provides LGBT Counseling in American Fork, UT and all of Utah County on how to navigate the challenges; loving themselves with confidence and autonomy.

Again, working through this process can literally be a matter of life or death. 

LGBTQ+ Support Group is dedicated to helping the LGBTQ+ community by connecting and healing your family. 

You belong here. 

Call us now to speak directly with a therapist about your LGBTQ+ child: 801-901-0279.

We are here to help you call us today at 801.901.0279 to get answers. Your child needs help!








Lets face it, who likes to talk about their crap with other people? 

If you’re like most clients, you’re used to being judged despite hearing so many people talk about non judgment and when you do open up, it seems like the more you share, the less likely you are to get compassion. 

We’ve worked our butts off to create a clinic where the unfiltered, real you, can show up and heal, so dammit give therapy a chance

We love the unfiltered real you, let’s heal together. – Utah Family Therapy Team