
Porn Addiction Counseling

Porn addiction counseling exists in American Fork.

You already know that pornography is a significant problem in our society, and it is not a private choice without consequences.

It alters sexual attitudes and behaviors, undermining marriage, which in turn, threatens the stability of the entire community…

With this knowledge, you’re wondering what do I do now.

What’s the solution? … keep reading!

Table of Contents

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Porn Addiction Help for Teens, Adults, and Families Suffering - Located in American Fork.

In the attempt to try and end, cure, or overcome pornography addiction a war has been waged.

Unfortunately, in the bombardment of anti-pornography education, the collateral damage is destroying the very people we desire to help.

Addicts and loved ones alike.

The discovery that a loved one is looking at porn can be unsettling and frustrating.

Porn Addiction Counseling
Getting counseling early in life can make a huge difference.
– Photo by Antranias – Pixabay

This is exactly what a parent (We will call her Sarah) thought when she walked in on her son, who she thought was doing homework.

The utter shock and horror grasped Sarah and she just sat there staring, not knowing what to do.

She wanted to yell, “What are you doing?” but she couldn’t, her voice escaped her, so she left the room to deal with it later.

Sarah immediately did what any mom would do and started looking for a way to help her son.

She found so many people and places saying they do counseling but was appalled at some of the places she visited.

In her own words,

“I didn’t think the therapists cared about my son, they only cared about my money.”

Porn Causes Frustration, Confusion

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After this, she felt very frustratedconfused and just wanted to cry.

She called a trusted friend (we will call her Jane) and found out that Jane’s son struggled with porn too.

Sarah asked Jane, “What are you doing to help him?

Jane shared her entire story about how her son was skipping school, socially disconnecting, spending hours on the computer and she (Jane) thought he was doing homework.

She continued on about how she thought school must be tough but everything started to slip.

He started becoming depressed, angry, socially awkward and didn’t want to do anything.

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Jane said, “I was just as confused as you were, but fortunately, I found Utah Family Therapy while searching online and decided to give them a call.

They asked me to bring my son in for a full assessment and for some porn addiction counseling.

After the assessment, they suggested a customized approach for him.

It has now been several years. He went on a mission. 

He’s now married and is doing very well. “

Jane told her about Utah Family Therapy and our approach.

Thank you, Jane, for trusting us to work with Sarah’s son and Sarah.

In Jane’s words:

“You Saved My Son”

We are here to help you get the porn addiction help that you need.

We cannot claim that your child will have the same results but we do what we can to help you and your child find healing. 

Help for porn addiction, call us immediately and schedule an assessment: 801.901.0279.

Anxiety Counseling

Struggling With Porn What You Should Do

Call us 801.901.0279

Filters and lectures do serve a purpose but DO NOT heal addiction.

Shame and Loneliness are the #1 triggers for relapse. 

Love, connection, and communication create healing.

Therefore, we focus on healing the shame, working on low self-worth, relationships and accountability.

  • Our first priority is to treat each child with deep empathy, compassion, and love.
  • We work with the entire family system. Not just your child.
  • We help guide clients to accountability and communication.
  • We help your teen/young adult connect with you as parents and the family system.

Our therapists have spent 1000s of hours of working with teens, young adults, and their families on pornography and other sexual addiction issues. 

They also understand the harm that social media can cause. . When choosing a therapist and therapeutic organization you should ask:

Here's What Others Say About Utah Family Therapy:

Overcome Debilitating Behaviors

"As an ecclesiastical leader, I many times have felt inadequate when there is a need for in depth counseling.  I recognize the need for professional intervention but have never been a big proponent of professional counseling either.

Then I was introduced to Utah Family Therapy.  I was referred by someone who had used them numerous times with great results.  I attended an orientation to see what this program was all about and how it could work where others had failed.

Sitting through the orientation was very informative.  The information provided was clear and made sense to me.  It helped me understand why we do the things we do and better yet, it provided a way to deal with behaviors that we want to stop.

Since my introduction to this program, I have seen the change it has made in lives.  It provides confidence where it is lacking as individuals are able to overcome behaviors that have been debilitating in the past.

I highly recommend Utah Family Therapy...  I am confident you will quickly see the difference from other programs, I did."

"Your presentation was AWESOME today! It was perfect. Exactly what I needed to hear. That's why I went to it twice. It is evident your love for what you do in helping others understand and heal."


Proven Value

"Rob (and his clinic, Utah Family Therapy) has worked with several Young Men from my ward who have dealt with issues from pornography use to other extreme mental and emotional issues. 

He has been a significant help getting many of them ready for missions in a relatively short amount of time. 

Rob meets the needs of each client in the place they are at and understands how to incorporate the atonement into his practice.  

He helps his clients learn how to access the atonement and spirituality for themselves. 

I had always been skeptical of the help that any therapist could give to someone with an addiction, but Rob has proven his value to me and I will continue to send members of my ward to him for help with pornography and other addictions."


Counseling for Porn Addiction Was Priceless

"These counseling sessions were literally priceless! Thank you for everything you have done for our family! Utah Family Therapy is doing a marvelous work!

We were hesitant to come in initially but quickly realized how right we were taking the step.

I wish there was more I could do to get the word out to other parents!  

The way you educate and incorporate therapeutic principles alongside spiritual principles is amazing.

Every parent and their teens need to hear this. Thank you with all my heart for the truths you have taught us and (our son) in a kind, caring manner.

Please anonymously quote me and hopefully, it will give courage to many others to take the step no matter where they are at."


Mission ... Never Thought That Would Happen

"Hey, thank you so much for all of your help. I can’t believe how far I have come since I first came to your office!

I never would have imagined how this would change my life for the better.

I couldn’t even stay sober much more than a day.

Things are looking up and better than ever before.

Thank you so so so much for your help and support.

Without you, God, and my family I would never be able to be here and experience this joy. A mission?..are you kidding me!?

Never thought that would happen, now I leave tomorrow! Thanks again. I will be eternally grateful for your help.

Please tell everyone that if they struggle with an addiction to get in to see you right now!”

Young Man

“Dude, you were right. Doing therapy and getting sober while I was younger taught me how to communicate and be better for my wife.”

Young Adult

“I don’t know exactly what you do but it’s working.

I asked Elder (name removed) about why he was doing so well compared to other missionaries with the same struggle and he said it was because of what you taught him.

Keep doing whatever you’re doing.”

Mission President

Typical Parent Child Scenario

Here’s a scenario that is very common. In this scenario, there will be 2 parents and a child (Jeff).

If you have been in this scenario, don’t beat yourself up, learn from it and move forward. 

Jeff is really struggling with viewing pornography and a few other issues.

He has been beating himself up, internally, for months or even years.

He finally gets up the courage to try and get help so he approaches his parents with his problems and this is how it plays out:


“Mom, dad, I really need to talk to you. Do you have a few minutes?”

“Sure son what’s on your mind.”

After several minutes of Jeff trying to gather his strength, his father says,

“Son, what’s bothering you?”

Jeff finally has the courage to confess everything and tells them his struggles that he’s had for a long time, from his desire to look at porn; what he has done and …

Mom and dad, with complete shock, explode,

“Son This will destroy you! It will ruin our family! It is wrecking your brain! Don’t ever do that again! We are going to get this filter and that filter. We are going to… Son porn destroys, porn kills…”  

If you were Jeff, would you want to talk about your problems (or any problem) ever again? 

… No!

Dissecting the Above Scenario How Your Child May Feel

Jeff was already feeling bad and now he would feel like

“I’m such a failure, look how I’m ruining the family. I’m dumb and stupid, why did I ever start looking at this? I’m ruined. I’ve wrecked my brain. There’s no hope for me!”

The honest truth, Jeff is not broken. 

Jeff is not destroyed. 

Jeff is not lost. 

Jeff has not killed love or killed anything because he’s viewed porn.

Jeff just has a struggle that he doesn’t know how to manage and needs help.

We all have struggles in life, some we have under control, others we are still working on.

Real Life Anti-pornography Experience

An individual recently spoke to us having attended an anti-pornography education seminar with a well-known keynote speaker. 

After leaving the seminar this individual and their spouse exclaimed,

“Well, we now know better than ever how destructive pornography is but we feel more hopeless and helpless than ever.”  

Imagine how Jeff or your child would feel if they were in this seminar?


Porn Addiction Therapy Solution

It’s actually pretty straightforward: Vulnerable communication, Compassion, and Empathy.

The solution is understanding and getting to the point of compassion, where you look past the struggle.

There’s usually carnage in their life and much healing that needs to take place.

Reminding addicts and loved ones over and over again how destructive pornography is, is like pouring salt in an already festering wound.

Opposite of Addiction . . . Not Sobriety

In fact, the opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection. Connection leads to long-term sobriety. 

Utah Family Therapy takes a unique and positive approach to healing and recovery.

We believe that everyone who walks through our doors is an amazing person, just the way they are.

Our goal is to help the individual realize how great they are.

Our Unique Healing Approach to Pornography Addiction

Recovery Process

We believe recovery is a process, not an event, and that learning to love yourself for who you are, and where you’re at is where healing truly begins.

There’s no doubt that you, your child or loved one will continue struggling with pornography without getting the right help.

We don’t want to feed you the lies that you have been fed for years. We realize filters and lectures do serve a purpose but they DO NOT heal addiction.

We focus on healing the shame, working on deep self-worth, relationships and accountability.

  • Our first priority is to treat everyone with deep empathy, compassion, and love.
  • We focus on healing the family system, not just the one struggling.
  • We help guide you and your family to accountability and communication.
  • We help your teen/young adult connect with you as parents
    and the family system.

Utah Family Therapy specializes in Counseling Teens, Counseling Young Adults, Counseling Adults and Counseling Families Suffering From Pornography Addiction – Located in American Fork, serving all of Utah County.

We also offer more involved solutions for healing with a group approach.

Watch this video about addiction vs. connection

Counseling for pornography addiction? Call 801.901.0279


Lets face it, who likes to talk about their crap with other people? 

If you’re like most clients, you’re used to being judged despite hearing so many people talk about non judgment and when you do open up, it seems like the more you share, the less likely you are to get compassion. 

We’ve worked our butts off to create a clinic where the unfiltered, real you, can show up and heal, so dammit give therapy a chance

We love the unfiltered real you, let’s heal together. – Utah Family Therapy Team