One of the Biggest Problems for Healing is Our Media
How Therapists Using Media and the World of Limbic Advertising May Slow Healing
Below is an example of limbic advertising and using the media, I was reading an article that was phenomenal in helping people struggling with porn addiction.
This individual had tremendous knowledge and was supporting it with data and other points of interest.
It was great until this person decided to use this print media to link to specific details of the article and then posting images that were …
… pornographic!
I couldn’t believe it.
Here’s a fabulous article tainted with the very thing he said he’s fighting against and confesses is destroying our society.
… Why?
Why would they do this to an addict?
The only thing I could even suggest would be … money!
These links were driving profits to his pocket.

Limbic Advertising
Below is an example of limbic advertising and using the media, I was reading an article that was phenomenal in helping people struggling with porn addiction.
This individual had tremendous knowledge and was supporting it with data and other points of interest.
It was great until this person decided to use this print media to link to specific details of the article and then posting images that were …
… pornographic!
I couldn’t believe it.
Here’s a fabulous article tainted with the very thing he said he’s fighting against and confesses is destroying our society.
… Why?
Why would they do this to an addict?
The only thing I could even suggest would be … money!
These links were driving profits to his pocket.
How awful to use media to capitalize and prey on the very people you are trying to help with the thing you’re trying to help them with.
I’m dumbfounded with how many therapists, counselors and so-called coaches use pornography in their media advertising (Limbic Advertising) to get clients.
They use promises that frankly set addicts up for failure.
For instance, many therapists/counselors/coaches use phrases like, cured, once and for all, out of your life, destroy this addiction, end your addiction, etc…
You know what I mean. You have seen them, and maybe you have even fallen for some of these limbic advertising phrases.
Media Example of Limbic Advertising
Now you may have seen our video that says CURED of Pornography Addiction Forever!
We used this same limbic trigger to help explain the dangers of limbic advertising.
If you watch this video, you will discover immediately that we destroy this myth of a CURE.
We are here to help you.
Can we promise you that you will be cured of pornography addiction … NO!
Can we promise you that you will never have triggers again … NO!
Here is what we can promise you.
Our promise:
- Your life will improve as you implement the things we talk about.
- Greater peace in your life.
- You will discover lasting principles that will help in all aspects of your life.
- You will gain a better understanding of addiction.
- We will not shame or judge you.
- We will keep what you share with us completely confidential.
Our goal is simple … We want to help you and your loved ones find healing!
Original Article on Media Written December 2014
Biggest Problem in Society Article on Media Updated September 2019