
Intensive Outpatient Therapy is an Alternative to Residential Treatment Programs for Teens & Young Adults

Alternative To Wilderness Therapy

Not sure if a Residential Treatment or Wilderness Therapy Program is right for your teen or young adult?

Looking for options other Residential treatment programs, which are pricey and most individuals cannot afford?

Your child needs more intensive care because of their suffering from deep addiction, OCD, anxiety, and depression. Maybe they’re having suicidal tendencies, school failures, defiance, anger, isolation, lack of motivation, or refusing to launch from home.

Options are limited….UNTIL NOW!

Intensive Outpatient Program an alternative to residential and wilderness treatment options.

What exactly is Intensive Therapy Program?

Intensive Therapy is designed to meet the needs of families having a difficult time managing the behavior of a child.

Intensive Therapy program provides concentrated individual and group treatment addressing a current crisis and decreasing the risk of a youth being removed from their home. In some cases, a child may have already been removed from their home and we can assist with successful reunification with their family system.

Network Therapy Utah County

How does Network Therapy Help?

  • Assists youth and family/caregivers in identifying and managing triggers, cues, and symptoms for problem behaviors.
  • Help reduce problem behaviors by involving key family members in the treatment process.
  • Improves the family’s ability to parent a child with behavioral or emotional problems.
  • Further develops the family’s communication skills.
  • Improves youth’s functioning at home, in school and community settings.

Your Team of Help

Intensive Therapy is provided by a team of professionals consisting of Licensed Clinicians. Intensive Outpatient Program is an alternative to residential and wilderness treatment models. Several times throughout the week touchpoints are made, providing individual and family therapy.

Our Intensive Outpatient Program is located in Utah County and effective treatment method for youth ages 12-19 and adults 18+ including:


What is Utah Family Therapy Intensive Treatment Approach?

We develop individualized Person-Centered Plans for youth and young adults based on results from a clinical assessment along with the youth and family’s input.

The services primarily utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), operating on the basic assumption that thoughts strongly influence feelings and behavior.

The Utah Family Therapy team works with the youth and family to identify negative or distorted thoughts contributing to behavioral issues. After identification of the negative thoughts, we employ interventions to change these thoughts to be more productive, resulting in a desirable behavior.

While CBT is our primary treatment modality, we also employ principles from the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics™ (NMT). NMT helps the staff determine the strengths and vulnerabilities of a child based on their individual past.

The therapist creates individualized sets of therapeutic activities that match the child’s needs in various domains of functioning (i.e., social, emotional, cognitive and physical). This approach treats the underlying issues which allow a child’s functioning to improve.

Wilderness or Residential Treatment

We are not suggesting that Wilderness or Residential Treatment should be taken off the list of options.

Oftentimes families and individuals can benefit from a time of reset, especially when an individual continues to run, refuses treatment, life is in danger, or cannot stay sober with Intensive Outpatient Therapy options.

Afterward, we suggest Utah Family Therapy Intensive Therapy Program as a way to assimilate back into the family system and life.

We work with you.

Research is showing that the success of Intensive Therapy Programs is just as and often, more effective than Residential Treatment.

“In the 28 years I have been entrusted with caring for other people’s children, some of whom come from dire circumstances; I have learned firsthand there is no substitute for a child’s birth family. I used to think we could do a better job of raising these children. We know better now. The best way to help a child is to help his or her family. …” – Patrick Lawler

Contact us today to learn more about our Intensive Therapy Program as an alternative to Residential Treatment in Utah County for teens and young adults.

Call 801-901-0279 or Contact us via our website.


Lets face it, who likes to talk about their crap with other people? 

If you’re like most clients, you’re used to being judged despite hearing so many people talk about non judgment and when you do open up, it seems like the more you share, the less likely you are to get compassion. 

We’ve worked our butts off to create a clinic where the unfiltered, real you, can show up and heal, so dammit give therapy a chance

We love the unfiltered real you, let’s heal together. – Utah Family Therapy Team