
Embracing Aetna Insurance to Support Mental Health

By accepting Aetna Insurance, this dedicated team of professionals is making mental health care more accessible and affordable.

Utah Family Therapy is a beacon of hope and healing for individuals and families facing various mental health challenges.

This article delves into how Utah Family Therapy is helping individuals struggling with trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges heal.

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Accessibility through Aetna Insurance

One of the significant barriers to mental health care is the cost, which often deters individuals from seeking the help they need.

Utah Family Therapy’s acceptance of Aetna Insurance is critical in breaking this barrier.

By partnering with Aetna, Utah Family Therapy ensures that more people can access high-quality mental health services without the burden of prohibitive costs.

This inclusivity aligns with their mission to provide compassionate and effective care to all seeking help.

The Importance of Insurance in Mental Health Care

Insurance coverage for mental health services is crucial for several reasons.

It reduces out-of-pocket client expenses and encourages a broader population to seek necessary care.

For those struggling with conditions such as trauma, anxiety, and depression, having insurance coverage can mean the difference between receiving timely help and enduring prolonged suffering.

By accepting Aetna Insurance, Utah Family Therapy removes a significant financial obstacle, making its services accessible to a broader audience.

Aetna Insurance
Bringing families together

Specialized Services for Trauma Healing

Trauma can have a profound and lasting impact on an individual’s mental and physical health.

Utah Family Therapy offers specialized services to help individuals process and heal from traumatic experiences.

Their trauma-focused therapy is designed to provide a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore their experiences and develop coping strategies.

Trauma-Focused Therapy

Utah Family Therapy employs evidence-based practices such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT).

These approaches are tailored to meet each client’s unique needs, ensuring that therapy is effective and empathetic.

The goal is to help clients regain control and safety, ultimately leading to improved mental health and well-being.

Group Therapy for Trauma Survivors

In addition to individual therapy, Utah Family Therapy offers group therapy sessions for trauma survivors.

These groups provide a supportive community where individuals can share their experiences, learn from others, and build resilience together.

Group therapy is particularly beneficial for trauma survivors, as it fosters a sense of connection and reduces feelings of isolation.

Aetna Therapy Group
Aetna group therapy provides healing.

Addressing Anxiety with Compassionate Care

Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health issues, affecting millions of people worldwide.

Utah Family Therapy recognizes the pervasive impact of anxiety and offers a range of services to help individuals manage and overcome their anxiety symptoms.

Evidence-Based Treatments for Anxiety

Utah Family Therapy utilizes a variety of evidence-based treatments for anxiety, including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), mindfulness practices, and Exposure Therapy.

These treatments help clients identify and challenge negative thought patterns, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and gradually confront their fears in a controlled and supportive setting.

Specialized Programs for Social Anxiety and Anxious Attachment

One of the unique aspects of Utah Family Therapy is its specialized programs for social anxiety and anxious attachment.

These programs are particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with anxiety in interpersonal relationships.

By focusing on these specific aspects of anxiety, Utah Family Therapy helps clients build confidence, improve their social skills, and develop healthier relationships.

Aetna Provides Anxiety Relief
Aetna insurance provides anxiety relief.

Supporting Individuals with Depression

Depression is a debilitating condition that can significantly impact every aspect of a person’s life.

Utah Family Therapy is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for individuals struggling with depression, offering both individual and group therapy options.

Personalized Treatment Plans

At Utah Family Therapy, each client receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to their needs and circumstances.

This individualized approach ensures that therapy is effective and aligned with the client’s goals.

Treatment plans may include a combination of CBT, psychodynamic therapy, and other evidence-based practices designed to address the underlying causes of depression.

Holistic Approach to Depression

In addition to traditional therapy, Utah Family Therapy embraces a holistic approach to treating depression.

This includes addressing lifestyle factors such as nutrition, exercise, and sleep, which can significantly impact mental health.

By considering the whole person, Utah Family Therapy provides a more comprehensive and effective treatment for depression.

Aetna Insurance Care
Providing comprehensive mental health care.

Comprehensive Care for a Range of Mental Health Challenges

Beyond trauma, anxiety, and depression, Utah Family Therapy offers services for a wide range of mental health challenges.

Their team of experienced professionals is equipped to handle issues such as bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more.

Child and Adolescent Counseling

Recognizing the unique needs of younger clients, Utah Family Therapy provides specialized counseling services for children and adolescents. These services are designed to help young people navigate growing up, including school-related stress, peer pressure, and family dynamics. By addressing mental health issues early, Utah Family Therapy aims to set young clients on a path to long-term well-being.

Couples and Family Therapy

In addition to individual counseling, Utah Family Therapy offers couples and family therapy. These services improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen relationships. By addressing mental health issues within the context of family dynamics, Utah Family Therapy helps clients build healthier and more supportive relationships.

Aetna Insurance Providing Couples Therapy
Providing therapy for couples.

Online Therapy and Intensive Outpatient Programs

To accommodate the diverse needs of its clients, Utah Family Therapy offers both online therapy and Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP).

Online therapy provides a convenient and accessible option for clients with difficulty attending in-person sessions.

IOPs, on the other hand, offer a more intensive level of care for individuals with severe mental health challenges.

These programs provide a structured and supportive environment where clients can focus on their recovery.

Commitment to Confidentiality and Professionalism

Utah Family Therapy is committed to maintaining the highest standards of confidentiality and professionalism.

Clients can trust that their personal information and therapy sessions are kept private and secure.

This commitment to privacy is essential for building trust and creating a safe space where clients feel comfortable sharing their experiences.

Experienced and Compassionate Professionals

The team at Utah Family Therapy consists of experienced and compassionate professionals dedicated to helping clients achieve their mental health goals.

Each therapist brings unique skills and expertise, ensuring clients receive the highest quality of care.

Whether through individual therapy, group sessions, or specialized programs, the professionals at Utah Family Therapy are committed to supporting their clients every step of the way.


Utah Family Therapy’s acceptance of Aetna Insurance represents a significant step toward making mental health care more accessible and affordable.

By providing specialized services for trauma, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges, they are helping individuals and families heal and thrive.

Their commitment to compassionate, evidence-based care ensures clients receive the support they need to overcome challenges and improve their quality of life.

Utah Family Therapy is a trusted and welcoming partner for those seeking mental health and well-being.

Have Aetna insurance, call 801.901.0279


Lets face it, who likes to talk about their crap with other people? 

If you’re like most clients, you’re used to being judged despite hearing so many people talk about non judgment and when you do open up, it seems like the more you share, the less likely you are to get compassion. 

We’ve worked our butts off to create a clinic where the unfiltered, real you, can show up and heal, so dammit give therapy a chance

We love the unfiltered real you, let’s heal together. – Utah Family Therapy Team