
Understand Addiction

FREE Resource for Ecclesiastical and Community Leader

We are so grateful for the privilege of getting to meet with so many of you. As you get to know us, you will quickly realize how much we love God’s children. 

We want to provide this ecclesiastical support so you can help more people find hope.

In working with addicts, the LGBT community, and many others, we can’t stay quiet in our passion for helping people find healing. 

We want to share with you what we see work time and time again with clients and their families.

Gay Teen Dangers Utah

We set aside as much time as possible to meet with ecclesiastical leaders, community leaders, and their members to help educate and act as a resource wherever we can.

Counseling individuals and counseling families find healing from devastating addictions and compulsive behaviors is a united effort, not just any one individual if we can empower you to help others that you have a direct influence over, the greater success in true healing.

We are here for you, to help you in whatever way we possibly can.

We are a resource that you can contact anytime.

Thank you for your desire to help others and joining us in this united effort.

We help people of all religions and cultures:

  • Catholic
  • Mormon (Latter-day Saint)
  • Buddhist
  • Hindu
  • Muslim
  • etc.

We will help you understand true principles for long-term healing.

"As an ecclesiastical leader, I many times have...

"As an ecclesiastical leader, I many times have felt inadequate when there is a need for in depth counseling.  

I recognize the need for professional intervention but have never been a big proponent of professional counseling either.

Then I was introduced to Utah Family Therapy.  

I was referred by someone who had used them numerous times with great results.  

I attended an orientation to see what this program was all about and how it could work where others had failed.

Sitting through the orientation was very informative.  

The information provided was clear and made sense to me.  

It helped me understand why we do the things we do and better yet, it provided a way to deal with behaviors that we want to stop.

Since my introduction to this program I have seen the change it has made in lives.  

It provides confidence where it is lacking as individuals are able to overcome behaviors that have been debilitating in the past.

I highly recommend Utah Family Therapy."  - Saratoga Springs Bishop


Saratoga Springs

"I encourage any who doubt, to attend an...

"I encourage any who doubt, to attend an orientation for themselves and see what it is all about.  

I am confident you will quickly see the difference from other programs like I did."

Elders Quorum President


"Rob (and his clinic, Utah Family Therapy) has...

"Rob (and his clinic, Utah Family Therapy) has worked with several Young Men from my ward who have dealt with issues from pornography use to other extreme mental and emotional issues.  

Rob has been a significant help getting many of them ready for missions in a relatively short amount of time.  

Rob meets the needs of each client in the place they are at and understands how to incorporate the atonement into his practice.  

He helps his clients learn how to access the atonement and spirituality for themselves.  

I had always been skeptical of the help that any therapist could give to someone with an addiction, but Rob has proven his value to me and I will continue to send members of my ward to him for help with pornography and other addictions."


Traverse Mountain

Understand Addiction Booklet

Handle Confession Guide


We will help you understand addiction and how to guide your members, with love and compassion to help them find healing.

If you are located in Utah County, we will do these educational seminars for FREE.

If you are located outside of Utah County or another state, contact us for details.

We’re here to help you!

Have questions or would like our FREE Compassionate Healing Guide, Call us 801.901.0279 or send us a message.


Lets face it, who likes to talk about their crap with other people? 

If you’re like most clients, you’re used to being judged despite hearing so many people talk about non judgment and when you do open up, it seems like the more you share, the less likely you are to get compassion. 

We’ve worked our butts off to create a clinic where the unfiltered, real you, can show up and heal, so dammit give therapy a chance

We love the unfiltered real you, let’s heal together. – Utah Family Therapy Team