
Life Changing Anxiety Treatment Center

We all experience feelings of anxiety at different times in our life. Usually, anxiety shows up as our body’s way of responding to stressful life events and it looks different for every individual. 

Anxiety may present in the form of nervousness as you prepare for a job interview, sweaty palms on a first date, or even feelings of uneasiness when moving to a new area. 

Table of Contents

Managing Anxiety
Learning how to manage your anxiety can bring joy back into your life.

These are all normal human reactions that act as the body’s emotional response to stress and help us overcome challenges. It is normal and healthy to experience occasional anxiety. 

However, feeling anxious too often or at the wrong times can be harmful and might even stand in the way of living a healthy life. Excessive and persistent anxiety could indicate the presence of an anxiety disorder.

What Does Anxiety Feel Like?

Anxiety presents differently from one person to another. The specific symptoms that someone notices will often depend on the type of anxiety or anxiety disorder that person is experiencing. Learning how anxiety feels for you and recognizing your individual symptoms are the first steps in finding healing.  

Symptoms of anxiety may present physically, emotionally, or even socially. Some common symptoms are listed below. 

As you read through these, remember, anxiety feels and looks different for every individual. You may be experiencing chronic anxiety and only have a few of these symptoms. 

The important piece to remember is the question: ‘Do these anxiety symptoms affect your daily life?’  If the answer is ‘yes’, then you may be experiencing a higher level of anxiety than normal.

Contact us, a local anxiety treatment center.

Anxiety Under Control
This is how you feel when your anxiety is under control.

Physical Symptoms of Anxiety:

  • Sweaty palms – moisture on your palms.
  • Heart racing – increased heart rate, pounding or fluttering, increased blood pressure..
  • Trouble breathing – rapid breathing, hard to take a normal breath
  • Stomach pain, nausea or digestive problems -increased discomfort in stomach or bowels, 
  • Headache – often caused from tension creating a pressure or a feeling of a band wrapped around your head
  • Difficulty sleeping – insomnia (unable to sleep) or hypersomnia (sleeping too much), waking up frequently, trouble falling to sleep, nightmares or restlessness
  • Muscle tension or feeling shaky and/or weak – trembling, twitching of muscles and depletion of energy, feeling fatigued
  • Chest Pain – chest may hurt due to feeling the constant pressure and increased heart rate, may be mild or severe
  • Difficulty concentrating, processing thoughts or remembering common things 
Anxiety Treatment Center
Learn to laugh again, don't allow anxiety to shut you down.

Emotional Symptoms of Anxiety:

  • Feeling on edge, uneasy, nervous, or unable to relax
  • Feeling hopeless and helpless – the feeling of not thinking anything can help or will work, and just wanting to give up.
  • Intense fear – especially of an unknown or internal threat when there is nothing physically evident to warrant fear
  • Excessive worry – such as feeling overly concerned about problems and situations, constantly thinking about them, or experiencing intrusive thoughts
  • Dissociation – feeling disconnected from your thoughts, surroundings, actions and/or identity; involuntarily trying to escape reality 
  • Feeling as though you’re in danger or that something bad is going to happen
  • Irritable, angry and/or agitated – especially when you may not know why you are angry, frustrated, or annoyed
  • Emotional Overwhelm – unable to manage your emotions to think clearly or rationally
  • Loneliness – feeling depressed and alone even though you are in a place of safety and care
  • Loss of Interest in activities you normally enjoy 

Social Symptoms of Anxiety: 

  • Isolation due to a fear of being around other people
  • Difficulty connecting or talking to people, even those you trust, such as family members and close friends
  • Avoiding attending social activities or meeting new people
  • Fear of being judged or of failure
Anxiety Treatment Center
This is how you feel when you get anxiety under control.

Why do people have anxiety?

Anxiety and anxiety disorders can be caused by a combination of factors, including genetics and environmental reasons. The exact culprit of an anxiety disorder is different for every individual. 

Anxiety can occur even in the most loving, and healthy home environments. 

Sometimes anxiety comes as a result of trauma, family conflict, major life changes, stress buildup, drugs and alcohol (especially during withdrawals), or even underlying medical conditions. 

Anxiety disorders are also frequently diagnosed in coordination with depression or bipolar disorder. 

You may alternate between periods of anxiety and depression, which might feel like you’re being extremely worried or you’re feeling uneasy, followed by feeling extremely hopeless or disconnected until the cycle repeats.

Managing anxiety is a daily effort that starts with determining the root cause. We can help with identifying the source of your anxiety and working through different thought patterns that may be contributing to the symptoms. 

Feeling Empowered
Treating your mental health empowers you.

How Do We Treat Anxiety?

Our goal as a clinic is to help each client and their family find healing and connection with each other. 

Our team of qualified therapists are trained to use a variety of different data-driven and evidence-based treatment models. 

In your first few meetings with a therapist, they will work with you to determine which of these models fits best with your lifestyle and the symptoms you are experiencing. 

A few types of treatment we use are:

Specialized Anxiety Treatment Center

Anxiety Under Control
The joy that comes after realizing your mental health no longer controls you.

Utah Family Therapy’s Intensive Outpatient Program was created to help individuals with moderate to severe anxiety, whose needs have not been met through regular therapy.

Remember there is hope.


Lets face it, who likes to talk about their crap with other people? 

If you’re like most clients, you’re used to being judged despite hearing so many people talk about non judgment and when you do open up, it seems like the more you share, the less likely you are to get compassion. 

We’ve worked our butts off to create a clinic where the unfiltered, real you, can show up and heal, so dammit give therapy a chance

We love the unfiltered real you, let’s heal together. – Utah Family Therapy Team