Utah Family Therapy

We help your child find healing and feel valued, loved, supported and give them hope for their future despite their struggles with porn.

6 Month, Group-Focused, Teen Recovery Programs for Youth Struggling with Pornography.

Porn Recovery Program For Girls

Focus of EMPOWER Teen Recovery Program

EMPOWER Teen focuses on connection, compassion, love and personal and family empowerment as the methods of healing from Pornography, Social Media, Gaming, and other Technology Related Compulsions.

We know you love your children. You are doing so much to help them navigate boundaries, technology use, and the challenges they face daily. Your hands are full already with everything that you do so let us help you with this challenge of porn in your family.

We understand what porn does to the brain scientifically and also spiritually and how to implement new patterns of change for long-term healing. It’s easier to heal your child’s brain now before they develop years and years of coping and survival using porn. Therefore, with our understanding of porn, we ask for your trust to help you, your child, and your family.

Our goal is to help your teen reengage with the family and develop the proper skills to manage life.

EMPOWER’s Difference

Many therapists, groups, and other porn recovery programs approach recovery by hyper-focusing on trying to change one behavior, “Stop Looking at Porn.” Of course, that’s a noble goal! But, feelings of failure, shame, and defeat dominate during times of struggle, and then “starting over” focuses on the negative. This fight for recovery has youth and young adults describing feelings of hopelessness and exhaustion.

Of course, everyone wants to know how to quit porn, but fear, shame, and punishments do not create long-term change but are alluring due to short-term compliance; a false comfort that “the struggle is fixed.”

As a result, they are embarrassed with their challenges and almost 50% of homes report having pornography problems. Therefore, those struggling with pornography are scared and often feel hopeless.

Teen Recovery Program

EMPOWER Teen’s Areas of Focus:

  • Healthy respect, boundaries, and confidence in the topic of sexuality.
  • Surrendering to a Higher Power and connecting spiritually as a fundamental aspect of healing and confidence.
  • Leadership education and implementation.
  • Using the right strategies to protect oneself.
  • Implementing the right strategies in healing when there’s a compulsive issue.
  • Setting healthy boundaries that create healing and connection rather than fear and forced compliance.
  • Awareness of online and technology behaviors.
  • Developing a feeling of safety and trust to discuss sexuality, pornography, sexting, and other critical topics with you.
  • Feeling confident in discussing topics without fear and shame.
  • Spiritual safety.

I have never had a client who cannot get around filters and rules if they are seeking pornography. The human brain is amazingly adaptable when it is desperate. This adaptability or empowerment can be channeled for good through connection and love. Those who achieve long-term change do it through individual empowerment and connecting with God.

– Robert S. Robison, President of Utah Family Therapy

Porn Recovery Program

“I am writing to first thank you for the excellent service you have provided [my son] over the last six months. He has learned so much from his private and group sessions, and we have noticed many new skills and positive growth overall. He has thoroughly loved the group sessions and has felt strengthened by the other young men he was blessed to participate with. We want to thank you for sharing your great knowledge and skills with us. We also thank you for your passion for empowering young men with knowledge, information, and support to help free them from the bonds of pornography and other related issues. We feel so blessed to have found your office and so grateful for our experience working with you. … He has a new confidence and perspective that is so positive and hopeful, and our bishop has also commented on how far he has come…” – (Mother of the son)

Utah Family Therapy is helping teen boys, teen girls struggling with porn find hope and healing, call 801.901.0279.



Lets face it, who likes to talk about their crap with other people? 

If you’re like most clients, you’re used to being judged despite hearing so many people talk about non judgment and when you do open up, it seems like the more you share, the less likely you are to get compassion. 

We’ve worked our butts off to create a clinic where the unfiltered, real you, can show up and heal, so dammit give therapy a chance

We love the unfiltered real you, let’s heal together. – Utah Family Therapy Team